Sunday, August 5, 2007

Um ok

Well, here's some feedback and ideas in bullet point form...


-Rollin and I discussed this: The residents of Necropopolis are sentient zombies, but their brains decay after about a century causing them to go crazy, sort of like Alzheimers.

Bossfights and Level Design

-rescue crew level, necrocarriage breaks down and you are stuck as the commander trying to find parts, rescue crew members, etc until you can get the carriage up and running. Possible set up: floor gives away after bossfight (giant necro worm that comes thru floor and walls weakens it?); necrocarriage falls to it's certain doom and bounces off hills throwing the crew all over, necrocarriage is broken but commander survives. You start next level as commander with a peashooter and a light, have to rescue your crew so they can repair the carriage and continue, covering them the whole time from minor zombie attacks.

-side quest levels: you come across a broken down hearse and help the dude repair his ride, he helps you progress somehow, later on the same dude is a boss fight?

-boss fight against zombie necrocarriage-zombies pushing around a derelict carriage and firing themselves out of the cannon, their cannon can suck up your crew members, etc.

-huge boss that throws the necrocarriage-- maybe that golem Rollin mentioned? I think he should be made of a bunch of zombies or something cool like that. He can be defeated more easily by shooting his legs and causing him to fall, then hitting his weak spot.

-tentacle worm monster thing that bursts from the floor, zombies crawl out of the holes he leaves behind and you have to fight them all off.

-regular zombie turns out to be a boss that refuses to die: only way to defeat him is to weaken him then suck him up with the vacuum and shoot him into molten lead/spike pit/mouth of a bigger monster or something like that

-zombie boss that puts himself back together, only way to defeat him is to blow him apart then kill the parts one at a time before his hands crawl back to his corpse and put it together

-huge boss that swallows your carriage, you have to fight your way out of his insides while the level of stomach acid is slowly rising and come out of his ass. I think Rollin mentioned something like this already, but the acid thing would be cool.

Feedback n Stuff

-I like the art! It's lookin good.

-Key Item idea is a good one, way better than "find the yellow key for the yellow door". We can expand this.

-Vacuum/Cannon idea: This basically makes that game mechanic into Undead Bust a Move. Sounds pretty cool, and it will add a better strategic element to using the cannon. Here's an idea for cannon mechanics: make it the same thing as the vacuum. Hold Mouse1 to suck up stuff, release to throw.

-Upgrades idea: I love RE4, so YES. Currency for upgrades by finding treasure in the clumps of body parts? That would give you an incentive to not just leave the clumps alone. Some other upgrade ideas:
--targeting computer to show cannon's firing arc
--ability to jump necrocarriage over stuff (this would probably be a late game one, if you got it early it would defeat some of the physical puzzle ideas)
--upgrades for crew's weapons (flamethrowers, grenade launchers, gatling gun, etc)
--tire chains for more traction 'n undead crushin
--disguise? disguise your crew and self as zombies, letting them pass unharmed. This could be the expensive and temporary "invulnerability" type powerup that would be useful when jumping out of the 'carriage and picking up key items.
--underground air strike? Heh, might be cool...I love screen filling explosions.

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