Thursday, August 16, 2007

I Managed to Get it Stuck

Looking good, Tom! I love the new bounciness of all the parts. It's gratifying to see the machine rattle to life. I managed to accidentally tip the carriage over, and it got stuck sort of bouncing on one wheel and the lamp- further evidence that we need a way for the player to right himself.

So here's what I was thinking: Maybe the crane could attach itself to the ground, as well as objects, and act as a sort of winch to pull the carriage upright when it gets stuck? What do you think?

Other minor things: The cannon should be in front of the fuel tank. And it shouldn't rotate all the way around. And the spotlight should be colored in. And the levels should look really cool.

Also: It does basically look like snow. But maybe we could explain it in the game? It would make sense in a Dead-Body Furnace Level to have ash falling down.

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