Friday, August 3, 2007

Notes on: The Necrocarriage

1. I need to clean up the fuel tank (and future parts)'s edges.

2. It's starting to look sort of para-militaristic. I want it to seem like a military-grade hearse/garbage truck.

3. I think all the citizens of Necropopolis (including the hero and gunners) should be zombie-like. Some of them will talk and interact with us though. More on that in "Notes on: Story"

4. The cannon. Maybe it's not too big? I think perhaps it should have a very small turning arc, and that a good portion of the gameplay should be driving through zombies and other hazards while maneuvering towards a good vantage point for your cannon. More on that in "Notes on: Gameplay"
I still need to make a little "rail" piece for it, though- to cover the seam between chassis and cannon- looks sloppy.

5. I think the wheels will look right once everything's on. (machine gun nests, plow, vacuum, lamp, spotlight)

6. Speaking of which: I think the different parts should have hitpoints, and zombies slowly will take them away... When one part runs out of hitpoints, it's destroyed (but the rest lives on- until the chassis is destroyed). When the chassis is destroyed, or your character has been eaten, you... don't win.

7. Upgrades? Something to think about in the future. Basically, I'd make a new part, Tom would put it in, and you could swap it out (either at a set point or whenever you like with keyboard commands)... This could lead to things like physical puzzles (you need to have a plow equipped to move something, you need a firehose to put out fires, etc.), as well as a reason to make "treasure" valuable (See Notes on: Gameplay).

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