Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dragon Starver?

me: oy
here's what i came up with while i was in the shower:
you are a critter
in this other critter's stomach
(represented by a box with acid at the bottom and slowly-contracting walls)
in order to avoid being digested, you need to fight back against the walls.
to do this, you utilize the creatures that are constantly falling down into the box (stomach)
you kick the things that are falling, and when they hit a wall segment, they explode and destroy it
however, you can also kick the creatures into other creatures, to build up chains and destroy more of the wall segments at once.
also, you can collect certain creatures falling from the mouth to make yourself bigger (and therefore have more powerful kicks)
the power of your kicks determines how many times the things you kick ricochet before they themselves explode
so with a more powerful kick, you could hit a bunch of critters at once, which would all hit wall segments and destroy them.
Sent at 3:53 PM on Wednesday
me: your objective is to 1. not get digested and 2. get fat off of your falling prey (that is why you are there- you are a specialized creature that eats a certain type of animal, and the easiest place to obtain it is in the bellies of these giant beasts)
when you are fat enough, you can fly out of the stomach.
also, you have to hit the critters/eat the prey in midair, otherwise they are dissolved by the stomach acid at the bottom of the stomach-box
you are not dissolved by it, because you have specially adapted to eat from this larger creature's stomach?
or maybe you are dissolved by it, but there is a series of platforms to hop around on. what do you think?
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