Thursday, December 6, 2007

Dragon Starver, Further Explained

me: i think it would be really cool if the character is just this blobby circle kinda thing, with a tiny head,
and a see through belly
whenever a powerup creature is eaten, it would drop in the belly
you'd just have to make it draw a circle around this collection of sprites- possible?
Thomas: because that would be simple to program...
me: no oh well
i always do that
Thomas: I need to keep ideas simple
me: yeah, i suppose
Thomas: which makes game dev boring
me: well, how about making the character grow bigger? possible?
Thomas: sure
thats not hard
I just dont want to model a stomach digesting food
me: maybe need to make diff. sprites though,
model a stomach digesting food?
which do you mean-
the level or the character
Thomas: I thought you said something about seeing the food in his stomach
me: yeah, but not anything particularly complicated- well maybe
basically all that needs to happen is for the food to stick together underneath the head sprite,
and then have a line drawn around the food-ball
that would be the hard part
but whatever, minor detail
Thomas: that would be cool
Actually, it might be do-able.
I have a algorithm written for convex hall which is exactly that.
Sent at 4:04 PM on Thursday
me: well shit son
that sounds like a good use for it
"hey look at this algorithm i can make it appear to be a see through belly"
aw, this is gonna be fun
drawing little critters is awesome
Thomas: haha
me: and the other parts are easy- just need to make a couple of different wall sprites (which will stack together- basically it's the same mechanic we were thinking of using for Necro., but it actually makes sense and is on its side)
and those are just fleshy blobs, basically
then the character- basically its head, unless you don't want to do the belly thing, in which case it'll just be a series of progressively larger sprites
and the background,
and the creatures
Thomas: Okay
me: and the acid, i guess- however you want to do that (animated sprite at the bottom, i'm thinking? doesn't need to be too fancy, but i think some green bubblings would be nice)
oh and explosions i guess
Thomas: Cool
me: maybe some sort of graphic to represent the chains that form?
like a shiny blue line that connects the things that get hit?
i donno
Thomas: Shit, I'm confused.
me: and there should be some text that tells the size of the chains as they develop
man, i really just need to draw some pictures of it
so you can see what i mean?
i'm just thinking of the graphics, what all would need to be done
Thomas: Yeah, I havent read the text on necro
me: which is why it sounds more complex than it is
oh okay
you should... check it out?
Thomas: Okay
me: the working name i came up for is "dragon starver!"
it's about this:
you are a critter that has adapted to eat your prey directly from the bellies of these giant dragon things
so you go down in there,
and it's just a box, with acid on the bottom, and contracting stomach walls
critters fall from the sky,
and you need to eat enough of your preferred critters to grow fat and fly back out of the dragon's mouth
Thomas: cool
me: but the walls are constantly closing in on you, so you need to keep em at bay
Thomas: thats my favorite word! COOL!
me: and you do this by kicking non-eatable critters into the walls, to make them explode
whenever you eat an edible critter, it goes in your belly and you get more powerful- which means you are able to kick things and have them ricochet off whatever they hit one more time (per edible)
Sent at 4:16 PM on Thursday
me: so if you have a lot of edibles in your belly, you can kick the other critters around and have them bounce off one another (all this has to happen in midair, before they fall in the acid) and explode multiple stomach walls at once
the only point of contention is the acid thing: should it kill you to fall in it? i think maybe yes, but that means there has to be some sort of system to keep you from falling
which means either you can just fly around, or you can jump around and there are platforms...
Thomas: platforms would be weird
me: that would be an easy way to make new levels
Thomas: yeah
me: just make new platforms
Thomas: true
me: reuse the same level, add new furniture
level design at its finest! haha
Thomas: by gum!
me: actually, since the walls are just made of multiple sprites, it would be really easy to reshape those for the levels too
Thomas: how the F are you going to draw intestines
me: i'll show you
hang on
Thomas: AIGHT
me: can i send you a quick sketch?
Thomas: sure
Sent at 4:20 PM on Thursday
me: sent
wow that took me a long time
Thomas: Im doing calc, so its fine
Sent at 4:33 PM on Thursday
Thomas is typing…

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