Monday, April 30, 2007
Sprite layers
Zany Zombie Mayhem

That's what I'm talkin' about. Now the carriage can climb up a mountain of the undead (most of the time, at least)! Wooooo
Think I should make the wheels have traction spikes, for easier climbing?
Also: it looks like one of the wheels is in back now (the left one). I think it looks better. Thoughts?
Don't worry about not getting anything done, Tom- I'm going to be ulcer-level busy until the week after next.
Papers and finals
P.S. I like the idea of throwing the necrocarriage Chandon.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
You should probably draw some bunnies, cause when there are no zombies around the machine gunners will need target practice.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Watch Out! Tiny Undead!
Dance Dance Zombielution
TOM: make smaller zombies? Or I can send you some(?)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Zombie Placeholder Breakdance Troupe.
I made a placeholder mp3 song for the music, might be a little ahead of the game at this point with it. Just something I made out of a bunch of loops to get back in the groove--sounds pretty cool though. I'll email it to you guys, it's only about a minute and a half long.
It is titled Zombie Placeholder Breakdance Troupe.
Black and white
I'm thinking I'll make black and white mock-up art and then start coloring all of it at once (so I can use the same types of colors throughout). Chandon mentioned that the lighting-centric ambiance might benefit from black and white (or modestly-colored) art, and I may concur.
Any thoughts?
Lookin' Good
Let me know if those next parts work for you (if they're the correct size and whatnot). Looks like I made the zombie a little too big- they should be about as tall as the portals' widths (so they can get inside the carriage and eat the delicious crew). (About as tall as either of the wheels.) Ideally, the carriage should be able to run right over groups of dead bodies (up to a certain point) and maybe even some zombies (but then ya got zombies stuck to you).
Can you make the zombie smaller, or should I re-send you a set at a smaller size?
Also maybe it would be fun to try like three zombies (so we can see how they stack and act when the carriage hits them)... And put the other wheel on instead of having two similar ones! Unless you don't like that wheel (which is cool- I can make a different one).
I've got to go print, but I'll be back online at ten or so. I think I'd like to do more carriage parts tonight.
About the sound format
Formatting Sounds
Almost forgot, is there any particular format you want the sound FX in? Or is .wav ok?
Reason I ask is .wav files can get pretty big.
Also: I will be recording all sound at 44khz to try to alleviate file size-- this is CD-quality and should be fine for our purposes.
Pretty damn cool
I like running over the zombie's head repeatedly.
Re: the music situation--
We don't need no fancy proceeduuurally generated music. Just want it to bust into a 1 second leader, then into the zombie crushin' tunes when those undead bastards start pouring from the ceiling.
Hope you like those placeholder sounds-- it's amazing what 5 minutes, a free copy of Audacity, and a $40 voice recorder can do.
PS-- the real sounds will not suck so bad.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Cannon: Rough Draft
But we could changed the music based on if zombies are attacking, or similar events, yes.
Hey Guys
What do you think about programming dynamic music (which changes based on what's going on on the screen)? Easy enough?
Monday, April 23, 2007
1. As of now I think you’re artistic opinion is going to drive the sound tracks, unless Rollin’s vote counts (which we tell him it does). You’re point about music reflecting the ambient is valid. A dark level calls for eerie music, but a boss fight could be spiced up with something more intense. I’m thinking that the sound effects should get done before the sound tracks, especially if the crew is part of the game play fundamentals.
2. .mp3 will work great. An mp3 player would be sweet, but I should focus on getting everything else programmed first.
3. I heard for Soldier of Fortune they smashed melons for the headshot sound!
Headbangin' Zombie Crushing Tunes
1. What kind of music should I start putting together for this? Can we do a dynamic soundtrack? Like for example, a bunch of zombies bust out of the ceiling and the score changes to some headbangin' zombie crushing tunes. It would be pretty cool to have the music change from an ambient, creepy song to balls-out headbangin' zombie crushing tunes.
2. Is it ok to make all the music .mp3 files? If so we could include an ingame mp3 player, maybe make it possible for people to add thier own songs to the directory or whatnot.
3. For the fx, we will have to record a lot of zombie sounds for variety-- we want male, female zombie voices and male & female crew member voices for that necrocarriage. Rollin and I were running the idea around to make the interface invisible and have your game progress determined completely by the way your necrocarriage is holding up and what your crew is yelling at you. ALSO! To make all the zombie dying sounds we will have to smash fruit with hammers and stuff. That will be a lot of fun.
P.S. Please send me the program so far.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Been Playing with the Physics
Machine-gunners and other crew of the carriage should have a natural chance to fall out (if the carriage gets flipped or something). People flung free from the craft could have a rag-doll-then-get-up process, and then they could pull out their pistols or something and look around nervously for zombies (if they're in the dark, though, they can't see the zombies, so...).
It would add some strategic possibilities with the spotlight and such.
Also: how do you assign objects different weights? Just a value you change?
Saturday, April 21, 2007
XNA Framework Redistributables
Let me know if that works.
Friday, April 20, 2007
One More Thing
I'm antsy to see it!
Also: about the movable/pose-able parts (spotlight, vacuum, and plow): Do you just want these broken up into different sprites for each of the segments? How are we going to make those work?
Nice Necro-Carriage
Chandon wants to do sound design or perhaps music. You down with that? We need somebody to do it eventually.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I'm drinking beers
2. Things that rotate, like the wheels, don't need to be animated because I can just rotate them with code. Actually the wheels already turn and the carriage moves. But, I can definitely make animations cycle. I think that answers your question.
3. I actually forgot what you were asking, but it was something about empty shells piling up. Just make a machine gunner and a shell casing and I'll make code to pile them up. For now we won't put a limit on the amount of shells to pile up. I'll just turn the games memory heap up to a gig.
You should give me a call this weekend, especially if you have any questions. I should be getting a cell soon so I can call you more often. Right now I am taking Ruth to speach about global warming.
I like the gfx you posted, keep them coming!
Regarding Animations
1. Do pngs have a built-in animation feature like gifs? Actually, maybe it doesn't matter... You need every frame, so you can go back and forth between them, right?
2. When making (for example) the wheel animations, how many states should I make? Should I make a set for going forwards as well as a set for going backwards? Most of these animations will be cyclical, so they can just keep playing- wheels turning, zombies walking, machine gunners machine gunning, et cetera.
3. That reminds me: we should totally have some bullet casings fall on the ground. Bodies too... How long can we make them remain? Do we have a set limit on objects?
Okay Well
I tried making some shaders today. Turns out I can make vertex shaders, but pixel shaders are out till I buy a new video card which I hope to do soon.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The good, the bad, and the ugly
And now that I'm done with my stats test I can move onto my Prolog programming assignment and American Indian Politics paper instead of programming the game, which happens to be the bad. Of course, the ugly is myself cause I'm riding on little sleep.
How are the graphics coming?
RE: Last Facebook Communique
If zombies/other enemies are in the spotlight on the correct side of the carriage and on the screen, that gunner shoots at them!
RE: deformable terrain: We could kinda fake it by completely filling the ceiling area with dead bodies, ore, and artifacts (and traps and such). They'd be affected by gravity, but would "stick" to one another until shaken free by a cannon blast. The cannon's blast could have a radius of diminishing effectiveness, strongest at the center (certain to break dead bodies, etc. free) and growing weaker as you reach the outer edges. "Stuck" bodies would basically have a value of "stickiness hit points" that accumulated until reaching a limit that "unstuck" them.
Chronologically Ordered TODO list:
- Necro-Carriage - Make it in parts beccause I want to piece them together with code. I'm especially interested in the lamp and spotlight because I'm working on the code for those.
- Zombies - One or two is fine, but they'll need walking animations, also break them into their core and limbs so we can do ragdoll physics when they fall from the ceiling.
- Scenery - This comes last cause it's not really part of the gameplay fundamentals, although we will probably need a lot of it, like you mentioned, if we are doing scrolling.
Like I mentioned above, I am going to work on the lighting, which is tricky cause I don't know how to use shaders with sprites. Most likely the lighting will be done with some sort of light map, which is a black texture to mask the scene, with alpha blending to unmask lit parts of the scene. This will work great for the lamp, but I'll need another technique for the spotlight.
The Next Step
About the level backgrounds: should they be scrollable? I figure that sense a big part of the game is the fact that you can't see everything at once, scrollable = good.
Also: I'm thinking zombies (and other critters) should both wake up from the debris dropped from the ceiling and creep in from the room entrance and exit.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Prologue, Pt. 6

rollin kunz to Thomas - 3:59 pm (26 minutes ago)
Here are some sketches. Maybe I am making this a bit too complex? What do you think?
Prologue, Pt. 5
I'll have to find someone that'll let me use theirs though. Heh
I'm going to make sketches today!
After I get a mock up level with objects done, I'll start making some components to puzzels. probably start with a scale that reaches a certian weight triggers an event.
Keep me posted on the ideas and sketchs.
rollin kunz to Thomas
Here are some sketches. Maybe I am making this a bit too complex? What do you think?
- Hide quoted text -
On 4/17/07, rollin kunz <> wrote:
Holy shit. Sweet! I'm staying home today. I will put some pen-time in.
Prologue, Pt. 3
Thanks for waiting. Okay, so do you think we should make a platformer-style game, where the objective would be to make it to the end of an environment/level? (This would be difficult to program and make graphics for- we'd need a level editor as well as graphics for each level.) I'm leaning more towards a "Tetris" kind of puzzle game, where you have basically one screen that you play on (but different levels can be different screens, and we can advance any story we choose to add through cutscenes of different types).
You (the player) are entrusted with the organization and removal of waste for the grand metropolis of ___. This city's sanitation department uses giant custom-engineered robots for trash disposal. As (different types of ) trash falls down from the top of the screen, you have to use the different tools built into your robot to organize and eliminate it. I'm thinking different types of trash have different properties- some might explode after a while, some might be used to power your vehicle, the dead bodies might animate as zombies after a certain amount of neglect (which you would then have to fend off).
Different tools on the robot might be a plow, which you could change the orientation of, some kind of cannon for fending off zombies, and the engine itself (which might need to be powered by dragging a fuel source onto it, when you want your machine to move).
haha. Or however you think would work best.
It would basically be like a 2-d version of Shadow of the Colossus, maybe kinda. Almost.
I will sketch.
!! There's a sweet-ass new feature in illustrator CS2 that converts raster files (i.e. my sketches) into vector paths (i.e. flash graphics). I'm planning on utilizing it extensively.
I don't suppose you know any Flash? Maybe I should take a class.
Prologue, Pt. 2
I think what we need to make is a puzzle style game where you control a steampunk-style robot- but you control its different parts in different ways (like you might have to turn a crank to reposition your cannon by "hand" with your mouse).
There should be a gameplay mechanic where little dudes rush at you and you have to kill a certain number of them so that their bodies pile up and you can cross a river (for example).
I was thinking there should environmental puzzles- physical puzzles. Involving dead bodies.
About the game, I have alot of code laying around. Is there anything particular I should implement that you can think of. I guess it's probably better to stick with 2D. Do you want the robot to have rotating joings or is everything just animated by images? I am better at loading sprite sheets so everything can be on one image. I could really start a lot of game coding, but maybe I can work out a simple script to make puzzles, so you can tinker around with some game flow on your own. There is alot to program, do you have any idea where to start?
Prologue, Pt. 1
A couple of old friends of my parents (along with a bunch of other people, I guess) are making a bunch of delicious soups. For ten bucks (which goes to some sort of charity- soup charity?) you get to sample said soups. Splendiferous!
P.S. "Splendiferous" is NOT in the facebook's dictionary. Neither is "facebook's," apparently.
I donno, though- I emailed the dude that invited me a couple of times, and haven't heard back yet. It'll be a public party, of course, but y'know.
I just went into Macy's looking for a new cologne and it turns out you don't even have to spend money. The lady behind the counter gave me a bag full of samples for "Polo: Double Black" which was my favorite. It was like being at the doctor when they give you a shit ton of medicine samples. Now if only pimps had the same policy, my life would be complete.
Well, this Bush Light isn't going to drink it's self, so I better get crackin. Keep me updated on the soup situation.
Anyway, I don't think the Soup Party is really going to be a huge deal or anything, so meh. Be happy to have you down whenever your whimsy carries you here, though (excepting finals, probably).
How goes it over in your neck of the great Wisconsin wastes?